Potter Name: Belladonna Boomslang
Rav ID: Gryffinitter
I am allergic to:
Nuffin. You got nuffin to worry about. We are non smokers, but if you do smoke, I'll just air it out.
Pets that I have:
Currently, none. We are contemplating a goldfish and a service dog, but right now - only the dust bunnies.
My favorite yarn:
On which day? No, make that what Time on which day?
Generally, I like solid color yarns for knitting with. I do some fancy colorwork and I do cables and neither works out as well with hand-dyed yarn - but the very subtle hand-dyes that are really like one color, mottled? Those I would love to try. However, they are expensive - solid is fine.
HAS To be superwash. Because I live with a guy we call Feltdemort. 'nuff said...
If you are a Ravenclaw, do you prefer the film colors or the book colors?
I am a Gryffindor with a liberal mind on how to interpret "Scarlet and Gold"
My favorite flavor:
You're kidding, right? Chocolate. Dark Chocolate. The kind that could ward off the Emperor of Dementors and his Evil Thugs... Cinnamon is also ok. And Ginger.
My favorite holiday: Halloween, Thanksgiving or Christmas
SSSHH - I know this is not very witchly of me, but I have come to despise Halloween. I really like Thanksgiving and I really like Christmas. Either is good. As far as Christmas goes, I have no argument with Santa, but I do believe in Christ, so if something actually included some reference to Jesus I really would not get my knickers in a knot. Santa OK, Jesus OK, my husband is Jewish so if you feel like throwing in a Hannukah card, hey, that's not necessary, but totally ok.
I would like to receive a: (Sock kit, scarf kit or yarn dyeing kit)
A sock kit, please.
List your favorite brand of needles or hooks, including size and length:
My favorite brand of double points are Boye. They are a little hard to find because they are not expensive - Joann.com and Hershner's have them. I need size zero and size one.
Except that I will soon be getting a package from Megaera of Slytherin for the HSS4, so you might want to ask if she already got them.
I wouldn't mind a set of the Knitpicks Nickel needles in size 2.25 mm (The smaller size ones.)
Is there a brand that you are dying to try?:
One kind I have seen that I am interested in trying are square ones in the new Patternworks catalog, size zero. But they are a little more expensive - just a warning.
I've participated in HSKS: (How many times have you participated in HSKS swaps?)
This is my second HSKS swap.
Do you have a birthday during this swap? If so which day?
Nope - had mine during the last swap.
Other notes:
Between swap partners and knitting pals in general, I am set for quite a while with hand creams, bath oils, and the like.
I promise to appreciate every single minute you spent thinking about, planning, executing and possibly worrying over whatever you make me. I think the questionaire was supposed to ask what we wanted? If I have a choice, I would prefer a bag.