Thursday, September 11, 2008

I'm drowning in Java, I think.

I should not mess with Muggle Machines, I should not mess with Muggle Machines, I should not...I need Dolores's quill to etch it into my hand and my permanent consciousness!

I went to Meez. They said they had detected that I needed to download Java. well, What do they know? So I tried to make a Meez, but nothing stuck - not even the cute little nose that looked almost like mine would if I spent a lot of money having it reshaped. So then I DID download Java, but there were multiple machines having a run-time error and it sounded a little indecent... and I still could not make a Meez.


1 comment:

Quinn said...


I think you need to come to my house for once, for some computer lessons. It's only fair after all the spinning lessons...