Thursday, March 12, 2009

Red is for Gryffindor, and Green is for Slytherin...

(The only way poor Belladonna can keep herself straightened out this term with being in two places at once is to blog Gryffindor in Red and Slytherin in Green. Prefects, head girls and other powers that be, please look for your correct color...)

So, I have discovered that feet are something like eyes. that is, we can't do much more about them than Muggles can. I've got special padding for the inside of my shoes now, which means that most of my shoes don't fit even without socks. Dad says he'll charm them in the morning and I should be greatful I have feet at all. Which I really have to take, coming from him... But I am starting to fear that if I ever want to wear handknit socks again, I might have to wear WIZARD shoes...sob...

I am really starting to worry not only about Lavender Acherly, but about The entire school. Has NO ONE noticed the girl is gone? Doesn't ANYONE remember about Bertha Jawkins and what it meant when she went missing? One of dad's trainees got sent along with the usual law and order wizards because it wasn't clear to anyone just what Rufus was up to, but it seems like mostly what he was up to, so far as they could TELL, was running up gambling debts. I am sure that means we will see more of him in the papers in the future, because it always ends up these fools play more than they can pay, but he says he hasn't seen Lavender and my Dad believes him.

It turns out Dad has known since the beginning of term that she was missing - Uncle Neville told him.No flies on Uncle Neville. He's been sitting on his hands cause mom says she can already float around as well as she wants to, thank you very much, and says he knows what will happen if he tries to leave her undefended, whatever that means. She only says it when she is really worried that he will go off and start Auror-ing again, which is only about once a week. Every time she says it though, it quiets him right down. It never seems to lose its effect. And he'd be just as happy with us all home, under his roof, where he can see us, but as mom pointed out, not everyone at Hogwarts ends up locked in his or her own truck and that really happened in the garden, anyway. Which I think would get her nowhere except that he says she disappeared after term ended, not from the castle -well duh, I could have told him that.

Only, what if it wasn't her???


Hermione Bagnold said...

No, you're not the only one that's notcied she's gone missing...but I think that it's trying to be kept under the radar...maybe just because of what it meant when Bertha disappeared. I think the MoM may not want widespread panic.

Anonymous said...

I thought she ran off with Rufus.